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Bachelor programmes
Bachelor of Construction Management
Course code – B76
The Bachelor of Construction Management is a 4 year full-time degree programme. It is a multi-faceted discipline derived from the four main areas of knowledge namely management, law, economics and technology. Its concept, principles and practice are applied with judgment to develop ways to utilize resources economically in the construction industry. Graduates will acquire knowledge in principles and practices that focus on the management activities and challenges that organizations face when they undertake construction projects. The degree programme covers basic concepts, principles, systems and procedures which impact on management functions and processes throughout the project life cycle.
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Real Estate
Course code – B_04
The real estate property discipline today is subjected to extraordinary forces that have redefined its attributes and introduced new expectations in property development, valuation, management and administration.
The curriculum is a response to the changing trends in the real estate industry and allows for a considerable degree of flexibility and integration of several disciplines. This programme offers the Bachelor of Real Estate degree with two options namely, valuation and property management, and land and housing administration.
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Urban & Regional Planning
Course code – B65
The Bachelor of Arts in Planning degree programme is designed to respond to the needs of the Kenyan public and the Government of Kenya in particular, by enacting a wide range of planning legislation to guide, manage and regulate urban and regional growth and development. Specifically through the proper allocation and use of private and public land as well as other land-based resources, the planner will make key contribution in decision-making.
The programme provides planners with the requisite skills and specialized knowledge needed to address numerous challenges associated with rapid urbanization, resource use and rapid population increase in Africa.
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Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Course code – P15
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science programme imparts and fosters students with the requisite knowledge, skills and attitudes for professional excellence and competences in computer science theories and practice areas through quality teaching, research and innovation. The dynamic and emerging trends in Information, Communication and Technologies (ICTs) developments and the appropriation of the same ICTS, provides the context that continues to inform our teaching and learning.
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Master programmes
Course code: B53
The Master of Arts in Construction Management is a 2-year part-time degree programme. It is a multi-faceted discipline derived from the four main areas of knowledge namely management, law, economics and technology. Its concept, principles and practice are applied with judgement to develop ways to utilize resources economically in the construction industry and make it profitable for all players. It aims at providing graduates with knowledge of principles and practices that focus on the management activities and challenges that organizations face when they undertake construction projects. Additionally, it equips learners with skills necessary for further independent research or specialized professional employment in the construction industry. This will enable him/her to make rational decisions and provide solutions in regard to complex construction situations. The philosophy of the programme is to develop an integrative environment of the construction project guided by the project objectives and not by individual professional interests. Additionally, to produce highly skilled and innovative graduates of construction management equipped to solve the management challenges of the highly technical construction industry.
The course aims to equip the graduate with the ability to: Appraise the needs to all project stakeholders; Integrate knowledge and skills in resolving management challenges in the implementation of construction projects; Perform all the processes as per the nine areas of knowledge in PMBOK; Evaluate and close a project; Assess the quality of performance in the construction industry; Develop appropriate building methods for effective and efficient utilization of resources in the construction industry; Create empowering and innovative approaches to the discipline of construction management; Critically evaluate issues in the construction industry.
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Course code: B51
From its inception in 1968 the University of Nairobi has been offering program leading to the Bachelor of Arts in Design (B.A. in Design). However, there is increasing demand in Kenya and challenges, which graduates of current B.A. in Design are unable to address with a sense of professional competence. The shortfall in meeting the challenges are attributable to the gaps which today’s higher education programs, at diploma or undergraduate levels, have not been able to address and meet. The gaps can be abridged through the Master of Arts Degree in Design (M.A. in Design). The M.A. Design emphasizes research to extend the boundary knowledge, to acquire professional skills and to address unmet needs. It strives to address local, national, regional and international challenges. It also lays emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration, concerns for the disadvantaged and national development goals.
The course aims to: Enable students to accurately translate cultural, social economic and intellectual concerns into successful concepts and designs; Sharpen student’s ability to assess design challenges which are experienced locally, nationally.
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Course code: - B92
There is an increasing demand for skills and expertise in property valuation, property development appraisals, land administration and property management. To meet this demand, the department of land development offers a Master of Arts degree course in Valuation and Property Management. The programme targets real estate professionals such as valuers, property managers, building surveyors and land administrators. The main objective of the course is to develop proficiency in operational skills of candidates so that they can effectively apply them in making financial and economic decisions in all aspects of property valuation, property development and property management. This expertise will be useful to people directly involved in real estate property management and valuation. It is also valuable for decision makers who must judge real estate investment proposals prepared by others. The course is useful in the promotion of careers for professionals working in government ministries, financial institutions, international organizations, private enterprises, and real estate consulting firms that use these skills intensively. It is the only course in the Eastern and Southern African region offering this unique combination of postgraduate training in valuation and property management.
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Course code: - B63
The Master of Arts in Planning programme aims to train a high caliber of professionally qualified personnel in urban and regional planning. Many African countries have recently adopted policies for decentralized development and governance, which has led to a growing demand for qualified planners. The programme provides planners with the requisite skills and specialized knowledge needed to address numerous challenges associated with rapid urbanization, resource use and rapid population increase in Africa. The programme incorporates theoretical foundations of planning and a strong practical and professional training, along with basic multidisciplinary knowledge in planning areas, methods of research and analysis and computer application skills. The course is intended for graduates and professionals with relevant educational background and experience who wish to take up planning roles with public, private, voluntary and international agencies working at local, subnational, national and international levels. The regulations and syllabus for the degree of Master of Arts in Planning have recently been revised to introduce a new approach in planning and provide flexibility for candidates to pursue the course on a semester basis.
This course aims to: Provide requisite skills and knowledge needed to contribute effectively to the formulation, design and implementation of local, sub-national and national planning in its various concerns; Provide in depth knowledge and understanding of the complex interactions between the natural and the built environment and the dynamic nature of urban and regional development; Develop appreciation and commitment to professional standards and ethics, recognizing the pluralistic nature of development, variety of stakeholders and the planner’s multiplicity of roles.
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Course code: - W50
A paramount challenge for the new millennium is “The Management of Rapidly Expanding Urban Areas (Cities and Towns) in the South”. It is imperative, therefore, that governments train managers for this challenge. Urban Management calls on a range of disciplines and interests: architects, planners, engineers, economists, sociologists, managers and many others are involved. The programme shall be covered in a period of up to fifteen (15) semesters and will involve study by course work, examinations and a research project. There shall be twelve (12) compulsory (core) courses and five (5) electives which all candidates will be required to take. Each course shall be taught for a period of forty-five (45) contact hours, except Urban Project Design and Implementation which will entail ninety (90) contact hours.
This course aims to helps the graduate to: Acquire knowledge and expertise in key aspects of urban management; Deepen the understanding of the multidimensional and dynamic aspects of urban management; Develop an understanding of the spatial issues, knowledge and skills needed to design for the functional, aesthetic, social and cost needs of urban communities; Deepen the understanding of specific methodological areas; Develop competence in the management of municipal and metropolitan development; Appreciate interventions which reflect context responsive concepts of sustainable development and deal with different levels of the urban environment; Relate to exchange and feedback between practice and academic theory.
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Doctoral Programmes
Urban and Regional Planning
Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Urban Management
Cities in East Africa are currently being characterized by rapid population growth, shortages of affordable housing, increased poverty and crime rates, urban sprawl, poor governance and low institutional capacities which have contributed to the proliferation of informal settlements, environmental, sanitation and financial challenges at a time when the world is gearing towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. There is a significant need for concerted efforts in re-examining existing urban policies with a view of enabling decision makers and development partners to explore short and long term intervention strategies for sustainable urban development through technical support and multi-sectoral approaches.
Course code: B806
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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Planning
Course code: B803
The Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Planning at the University of Nairobi is designed to help students understand how planning and development interact at the rural, urban, and regional levels.
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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Computer Science
Course code: P80
In the recent past, there has been tremendous interest in the field of Computer Science, especially with the demand for Computer Science academicians, demand for high calibre Computer Science practitioners for industry, rapid changes in the Computer Science area and the assimilation and institutionalization of Computer Science locally, regionally and globally, which is among several factors that has driven the SCI research agenda.
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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Information Systems
Course code: P801
The philosophy of the Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems Programme is to develop and disseminate knowledge in the Information Systems discipline; whilst at the same time influencing Information Systems practitioners’ actions, understanding and policy direction using cutting edge research. In pursuing this philosophy, the University of Nairobi expects that doctoral candidates shall develop as academic researchers by continuously developing research writing skills as authors of scholarly papers by themselves or co-author with their supervisors for publication in scientific journals and conference proceedings. In addition, the doctoral candidates shall be expected to present findings from their research at various national and international conferences. The University recognizes the dynamic nature and emerging trends in ICT developments, the importance of individual, organizational, communities and societal context, complexities that shall guide the PhD research agenda.
The program shall take a minimum of three (3) academic years and a maximum of five (5) academic years.
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Higher Doctorate Degrees
Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.
The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.
The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.
The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.
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