Prof. Asmita Kabra took her audience through the history of the laws of land acquisition and...
14 UoN Students Benefit from Mitsubishi Corporation Scholarship
14 bright and needy students from the University of Nairobi have benefited from Mitsubishi...
The HULT Prize at the University of Nairobi On Campus Program
The Hult Prize, in partnership with the United Nations is the largest global start-up accelerator...
Book on knowledge for wealth creation sparks discourse on constitution
There was pomp and colour as the book title – Knowledge for Wealth Creation: A Kenyan Perspective...
One Health Project for the Horn of Africa
One Health Regional Network for the Horn of Africa (HORN) is a multidisciplinary, international...
Researchers need to increase research output
Researchers and principal investigators spend 42 percent of their time on administrative duties and...
AU Intra-Africa Academic Mobility Program
The University of Nairobi has received an excellent rating by a delegation from the Africa Union...
University Intensifies AIDS Vaccine Research
The University of Nairobi community comprising of staff and students marked the World AIDS Day on...