Climate action and inaction raises issues of equity and justice both between and within nations and generations. The adverse impacts of climate change disproportionately affect vulnerable groups whose contribution to the problem is minimal, yet less equipped to rebound and buffer from climatic stress, benefit the least from climate actions and endure the most of social costs.1
The rising toll of loss and damage due to climate change highlights an urgent need for enhanced disaster preparedness and response, particularly for vulnerable communities. Despite this pressing necessity, the best mechanisms for implementing climate justice remain a topic of ongoing debate. This conference aims to explore these recent debates from an interdisciplinary perspective. The key feature of the workshop will be a discussion of climate insurance mechanisms within the context of the index-based livestock insurance (IBLI).

1. The event will focus on climate justice and the complex interplay between climate change mitigation, adaptation and compensation. Of particular interest is climate justice concerns raised by IBLI in the context of climate risk management, and the policy challenges therein.
2. Aims
i. To provide an opportunity for a discourse on pathways for addressing climate justice;
ii. To foster the exchange of information, ideas and experiences acquired in the implementation of IBLI as a mechanism for climate risk management;
iii. To network the participants and provide a platform to explore possibilities for linkages, research and future collaboration.
3. Participants
Participants attending the workshop will come from a cross-sectoral range of areas. The profile of the target participants is as it follows:
i. Researchers at universities and research institutions,
ii. Policy makers,
iii. Members of NGOs working in this related fields of knowledge,
iv. Representatives from private enterprises,
v. Students
vi. Other people interested in this field.

Register here to attend 

Conference Administration and Contact Point

All questions related to strategic partnerships should be sent to: 

Professor Nick Oguge, University of Nairobi, Kenya.

All questions related to conference registration and participation should be sent to:
Dr. Francis Oremo, University of Nairobi.
Email: or
Josep Recasens, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.

7. Registration
The registration process is quick and easy. Please Register Here. Please complete your registration by 27th August 2024. Due to limited availability, participation will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
To secure your spot, please register as soon as possible. The registration closes soon once all the slots are filled.

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Thursday, September 5, 2024 - 11:30am