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The University of Nairobi is committed to training high caliber healthcare professionals and innovative researchers in emerging health challenges and our professionals are at the forefront of the national health policy formulation. As a result of this remarkable contribution, more than 50% of healthcare professionals and researchers in the healthcare sector in Kenya have been trained at UoN.
The academic programmes offered are highly competitive in the market and are relevant to the country’s health needs. We offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes leading to the award of diplomas and degrees at Bachelors, Masters, Doctor of Philosophy and Doctor of Medicine.
Bachelor programmes
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBCHB)
Course code - H31
The Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery curriculum imparts knowledge, clinical skills and competencies necessary in holistic medical practitioner. Students are exposed current technologies and improved teaching methods facilitating consolidation of knowledge, involvement in critical thinking and research that enables them to practice evidence based medicine.
Graduates are expected to be self-motivated, disciplined and ethical doctors well versed with holistic approach to health care management.
The course is fulltime and extended over six academic years, of 204 weeks spread over 30 weeks for first and second years and 36 weeks each for third to sixth year of study. This is a total of 8,160 hours.
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Bachelor of Science (Bsc) In Human Anatomy (intercalated)
Course code - H302
Students pursuing a Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery and have completed and passed all the courses of the first and second year have the option of pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Human Anatomy.
Successful applicants will be selected for admission to the Bachelor of Science in Human Anatomy on the advice of the Board of the Faculty of Medicine. Successful applicants will be required to give an undertaking that, upon completion of the course they will continue with their studies for the Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery Degree.
Through this degree programme, the students will be exposed to modern research methods that will enable them enhance their research skills, building upon their work of the first and second year courses.
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Bachelor of Science (BSC) in Medical Physiology
Course code - H303
Students pursuing Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery and Bachelor of Pharmacy and have completed and passed all the courses of the first and second year have the option of pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Medical Physiology.
The course will last one academic year. The course will be on full time basis extending for three terms. It will consist of discussion classes, tutorials and practical sessions, with special reference to the development of skills related to conducting original investigations, the analysis of data and preparation of papers containing original observations. Students will be required to present at least one comprehensive review paper per term. Students will be required to undertake extensive guided reading. The candidates will be expected to identify a specific research project and write a short dissertation.
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Master Programmes
Master of Medicine in Psychiatry (Mmed. Psych.)
Course code - H544
The Master of Medicine degree course in Psychiatry is intended to train medically qualified doctors to master the practice of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness as well as giving them a sound scientific foundation to enable them to teach students (undergraduate and post graduate), and carry out original research. The emphasis in this course is on clinical and practical work and most of the teaching will be by “bed side” teaching in the wards during ward rounds and clinical case conference.
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Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology
Course code - H545
The design of the Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology curriculum is student centered and problem based. The courses are as much as possible integrated, community oriented and systematically arranged. The duration of the Master of Medicine in Ophthalmology course is three years. The structure of this curriculum is based on three levels of knowledge, which spiral from one to the other:
The first level of basic sciences (e.g. anatomy, physiology, optics, pharmacology, pathology and microbiology related to the eye) is required for understanding the later courses in the programme.
The next level is applied pathology, pharmacology, microbiology, community eye health and research methodology which lead to the level of clinical ophthalmology. This final level comprises mostly surgical and clinical courses during which the practical aspects of the programme are undertaken to bring out the skills required. This structure provides for a systematic integration of theory and practice. It should be noted that levels referred to are levels of knowledge and do not necessarily correspond to a particular term or academic year of study.
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Course code - H546
The Master of Medicine in Pediatrics and Child Health degree programme was launched in 1973 prompted by the need to have locally trained specialists in the field equipped with knowledge and critical clinical skills relevant to local health problems provide leadership of curative and preventive services and be involved in training and research.
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Course code: H566
The goal of the M.Med in human pathology Programme is to produce a competent and professional pathologist who is able to: Perform medical autopsies to contribute to medical knowledge, quality assurance and medical education, Perform forensic autopsies to serve society and contribute to public protection, Participate in medical education, Conduct and supervise research in pathology and Provide diagnostic histopathologists and cytological services.
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Course code: H556
The Master of Medicine in Obstetrics and Gynecology curriculum was revised in 2014.The revised curriculum will also instill leadership qualities to the specialists for effective service delivery in alignment with the Millennium Development Goals and attainment of Vision 2030 of Kenya.
This course aims to: Impart in learners, knowledge, clinical skills, and competencies relevant to reproductive health care; Equip the learners with requisite discipline, professional qualities, etiquette and ethics necessary for safe reproductive health practice; Equip in the learners academic abilities for self-learning, critical thinking, research abilities and ability to translate research into practice and policy; Equip the learners with skills to provide leadership and governance in provision of reproductive health services.
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Course code: H569
Orthopedic surgery is the surgical specialty for the diagnosis and treatment of injuries, diseases, and congenital deformities of the musculoskeletal system.
This course aims to: To equip doctors with comprehensive knowledge of Orthopedics and trauma surgery; To equip doctors with adequate knowledge and skills for teaching, carrying out research and delivering of orthopedic and trauma services; To develop capacity of the doctor, for generating, disseminating, imparting and preserving knowledge and skills in orthopedics and Trauma surgery; To produce a specialist doctor capable of promoting preventive and curative orthopedic and Trauma services.
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Course code: H575
Kenya’s specialized surgical care needs have increased greatly over the years, and continue to do so. The general doctor-population ratio in Kenya is 1:7100 compared to the recommended World Health Organization figure of 1:600. For the specialty of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, the ratio is 1:3500,000.
This course aims to produce Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons with the requisite skills and competence in the overall care of the patient with general thoracic, cardiac and/or peripheral vascular problems, and to produce Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeons able to meet the requirement of the World Health Organization programme of Integrated Management for Essential and Emergency Surgical Care.
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Course code: H555
Anesthesia is an essential service in modern medical practice and health delivery systems all over the world. It is one of the most important scientific discoveries in recent times and has revolutionized the practice of surgery and related subjects
This programme aims to train students in all aspects of a safe practice of Anesthesia, train anesthesiologists with adequate knowledge, skills and professional attitudes essential for safe practice of anesthesiology, critical care medicine and pain management, and to train anesthesiologists with adequate knowledge in clinical problems encountered in surgery and medicine.
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Course code: H558
Since the introduction of training in master of medicine postgraduate programme (MMed- Internal Medicine) in 1973, new concepts and challenges have emerged in medicine. The increasing awareness of both infectious and non-infectious diseases requires physicians who are both competent in interventions, to prevent and reduce the new threats to health at the community level, and skilled in advocacy, to influence health policies
This course aims to equip the candidate with the ability to: Demonstrate knowledge and skills in the management of medical conditions; Demonstrate competency in the diagnostic and therapeutic skills for ethical and effective patient care through application of relevant information to clinical practice; Deliver highest quality care with integrity, honesty and compassion while exhibiting appropriate personal and interpersonal professional behavior; Contribute to development of new knowledge through high-quality research, develop and implement a strategy for self-learning, and facilitate learning of others
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Course code: H557
Public medical service providers currently demand that Surgeons of all subspecialties should have basic knowledge and skills to treat any emergency lifesaving surgical conditions before onward referral to the relevant subspecialty The current program for MMed Surgery of the University of Nairobi, which was compiled in 1972 has been revised to bring it in line with these global developments. This will benefit our clients, and make us competitive internationally.
This course aims to produce a general surgeon with sufficient knowledge and skills in the basic foundations of surgery, to produce a general surgeon with sufficient knowledge and skills in management of general surgical diseases.
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Course code: H581
Annual fees – Kshs. 648,000 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)
Kenya is a developing country with scarce financial and human resources. Currently the national pediatric surgeon to population ratio of 1:4000,000 falls far below the internationally recommended ratio of 1: 300,000. Likewise, Sections 42, 43 and 53 of the Constitution of Kenya state the right of every Kenyan child to health care. Thus the shortage of pediatric surgeons is a human resource gap that needs to be urgently addressed
This course aims to Train a surgeon with knowledge, requisite skills and competencies in management of: Pediatric surgical conditions; Emergency surgical conditions 2. Be able to translate research findings into clinical practice
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Course code: H582
Plastic Reconstructive and surgery deals with replacement of lost body tissues, deformities resulting from trauma, radical surgery, inborn malformations and improvement of physical cosmetic appearance of an individual. Currently there is one plastic surgeon to six million Kenyans while the recommendation WHO ratios 1:100,000.
This course aims to Train Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons with knowledge, requisite skills and competencies in; management of emergency surgical conditions, management of disease conditions requiring plastic and reconstructive surgery and ability to translate research findings to clinical practice.
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Course code: H583
Urology is a surgical specialty focusing on the urinary tracts, including the reproductive system of males. The urologist is a specialist, trained to diagnose, treat, and manage patients with urological disorders. Of the top 20 causes of deaths in Kenya, urological diseases are amongst the most common.
This course aims to; To equip learners with knowledge, clinical skills and competencies relevant to urological care; Requisite discipline, professional qualities, etiquette and ethics necessary for safe urological practice; Skills in leadership and governance in urological practice; Ability for self-learning, critical thinking, research skills and translation of research findings into practice and policy.
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Course code: - H560
The Masters in Medicine degree course in Diagnostic Radiology is intended to provide in-depth clinical academic knowledge and impart practical skills required by the imaging specialist. It provides comprehensive coverage of the physical principles of medical imaging, the anatomical basis of imaging, the techniques employed to generate medical images, the interpretation of images based on clinical information and radiation protection.
This course aims to: equips the student with the practical skills to perform imaging and interventional procedures, interpret images and write competent reports; Equip the student with adequate knowledge on the physical principles of diagnostic imaging; Impart adequate knowledge to the trainee on the safe usage of ionizing and non-ionizing radiations used in medical imaging; Equip the student with adequate skills in the techniques of performing imaging and interventional procedures, the interpretation of images in the background of sound clinical and pathological changes associated with disease and the presentation of reports; Equip the student with the skills and ability to carry out research in Diagnostic Imaging; Prepare the student to adequately manage Diagnostic Imaging Departments.
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Course code: - H567
The Master of Medicine in Neurosurgery program aims at enhancing the practice of Neurosurgery throughout Kenya and the East, Central and Southern African region by improving on patient management at the primary care level. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends at least one Neurosurgeon for every 200,000 people. Kenya has a ratio of one neurosurgeon for every five million people.
This course aims to: Train a neurosurgeon with satisfactory knowledge, clinical ability and surgical skills of management of surgical diseases of the nervous system; Train a neurosurgeon with knowledge of principles of General Surgery necessary in the practice of neurosurgery and common surgical emergencies.
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Doctoral Programmes
Course code – H90
The program offers the learner with advanced clinical and academic training, making the learner be fully prepared for challenges in the increasingly diverse medical career.
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Fellowship programmes
Fellowship in paediatric anaesthesia
Course code: H111
The program is designed to train anaesthesiologists with relevant knowledge, skills and competencies for safe delivery of anaesthesia care to children.
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Fellowship in Medical Oncology Training Programme
Course code: H113
The learner will be equipped with competencies to recognise cancer, make prompt diagnosis and offer appropriate treatment in addition to acquiring skills to effectively carry out cancer prevention programs, community surveillance and early detection.
The training programme will be completed in a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 academic years
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Fellowship in Clinical Nephrology
Course code: H114
In Kenya, it is currently estimated that 10,000 people develop end stage renal disease out of which only 1,000 (10%) access medical care. Of these, only 250 undergo dialysis at Kenyatta National Hospital with approximately 50 receiving transplantation annually, thus approximately 200 people go to for transplantation outside the country. In line with the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 Article 43 (1) (a) there is therefore, an urgent need for an increase in capacity building at county level for service provision. This falls within the mandate of East Africa Kidney Institute.
In line with this mandate, the University of Nairobi has developed Fellowship courses to address skills gap for the healthcare providers (HCPs) at the county and Nation wide level.
The course takes two years.
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Fellowship in Paediatric Nephrology
Course code: H115
The Fellowship in Nephrology programme is intended to provide opportunity for eligible individuals to attain fundamental knowledge, procedural skills, practical skills, and professional and ethical behavior, essential for the practice of nephrology to the standard recognized internationally.
The program takes two years.
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Fellowship in Paediatric Emergency and Critical Care
Course code: H116
The Fellowship in Paediatric Emergency and Critical Care is a Clinical Fellowship Program intended to equip Paediatricians with highly specialized clinical knowledge and practical skills, essential for the evaluation and management of acutely and critically ill children in both urban and rural centres, to internationally recognized standards.
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Fellowship in Gynaecological Oncology
Course code: H117
Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship is an advanced clinical training aimed at training sub-specialty skills for managing reproductive cancers. The training is offered to individuals who have completed Masters in Medicine (MMed) in Obstetrics and Gynaecology course or equivalent and are already recognized as specialists. This is in keeping with the University of Nairobi Vision, ‘to be a world-class university committed to scholarly excellence’ and our Mission ‘to provide quality university education and training and to embody the aspirations of the Kenyan people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge’.
The Clinical Fellowship training program will cover a minimum duration of 24 months and a maximum of 48 months from the date of registration.
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Fellowship in Healthcare Capacity Building for Sustainable Development (health economics)
Course code: W65
The purpose of the Fellowship Program is to improve health outcomes by strengthening leadership and management of healthcare programs and in particular HIV/AIDS interventions. The program uses an academic training model that is locally owned, relevant and sustainable. More specifically, the Program is geared towards equipping health care workers with technical skills and knowledge to ensure efficient and effective implementation of health services. Further, the program aims at establishing a capacity building framework for the participating local organizations to enhance the delivery of quality services.
The Fellowship targets middle to senior level public health professionals in the public and private sector. Fellows will be selected based on their potential for leadership and commitment to the health service in the public or private sector and will be expected to provide leadership in HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs at community, regional, national and international levels upon graduation.
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Higher Doctorate Degrees
Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.
The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.
The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.
The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.
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