7000 Seedlings planted on Annual Tree Planting and Growing Day

The University community and its partners gathered and planted 7000 tree seedlings on F

UoN,USAID Fahari ya Jamii Project cares for 65,000 people living with HIV/AIDS

The University of Nairobi in partnership with USAID, through the Fahari ya Jamii projec

UoN to host the 13th KAPEK Kenya Mathematical Olympiad

The first round of the 13th Kapek Kenya Mathematical Olympiad (KKMO) will be

UoN team made history in the 29th Willem C. Vis Moot 2022 

A Rewarding Journey in International Commercial Arbitration

UoN to disseminate Research Data using Local Languages

The University of Nairobi Women’s Economic Empowerment H

UoN awards outstanding achievers

The University of Nairobi on Friday, May 6, 2022 held the 3rd

UoN held 2nd Virtual Open Day

The University of Nairobi held its annual Open Day virtually on Thursday, May 5- 6, 202
