The University Executive Board is responsible for:
The co-ordination of University and College development plans
The efficient management of University resources, both human and material
Making proposals to the Council and the Senate on policies that have a University-wide application
Membership of University of Nairobi Management Board (UEB):

Prof. Stephen Kiama, Vice-Chancellor

Prof. Julius Ogeng'o, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs

Prof. Margaret Jesang Hutchinson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Finance, Development and Planning

Prof. Horace Ochanda, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research, Innovation and Enterprise

Prof. Njeru Enos H. Nthia, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Human Resource and Administration

Prof. Rose Nyikal, Ag. Principal, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences

Prof. Robert Rukwaro, Principal, College of Architecture and Engineering

Prof. Francis Mulaa, Principal, College of Biological & Physical Sciences

Prof. James Machoki, Principal, College of Health Sciences

Prof. Jama Mohamud, Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Prof. Peter K’Obonyo, Deputy Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Prof. Attiya Waris, Deputy Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences

Prof. Lydia W. Njenga, Director, Graduate School

Prof. Charles Mulei, Deputy Director (Academics), Graduate School

Prof. Lawrence Ikamari, Deputy Director (Admissions), Graduate School

Prof. Horace Ochanda, Deputy Principal, Kenya Science Campus

Prof. Christopher Gakuu, Director, ODeL Campus

Prof. Harriet Kidombo, Deputy Director, ODeL Campus