Applied Humanities and Social Sciences
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Bachelor programmes
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
Course code – N06
The study of Anthropology is now widely recognized in developmental circles as a crucial subject in the development of any nation. Many countries in Africa are currently going through economic, demographic and political transition. The Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology programme is designed to fill the need created by lack of qualified locally trained anthropologists. It prepares the students to face current and future challenges of development in Kenya following anthropology’s holistic approach to issues.
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Social Work & Development Studies
Bachelor of Arts Gender and Development Studies
Course code – N12
The need to integrate gender concerns in all situations of development interventions has been the focus of many development efforts throughout the world over the last few decades. The reason for the concern is the need to work towards a more equitable gender balance in all sectors of the economy and in different facets of life.
The Bachelor of Arts in Gender and Development Studies programme is designed and developed to articulate gender and development issues in a changing political, socio-economic and cultural environment.
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International Relations
Bachelor of Arts International Studies
Course code – R67
The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies programme is structured and designed to ensure that students acquire an appreciation of the importance of international studies in the contemporary world. It is designed to prepare students for careers in governments and their institutions and, in nongovernmental organizations, the private sector, international and regional institutions. Students will be exposed to debates in literature, research issues and developments in international studies. The programme is tailored to ensure that students possess an understanding of the complexity of international studies. The programme is unique and tailor made to suit emerging international developments. It is thus set to meet discipline and sector requirements. The programme is a response to demands from within and outside the country.
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Master programmes
Master of Arts in Communication Studies
Course code – K50
The Master of Arts in Communication degree programme with specializations in Development Communication, Journalism, and Public Relations is intended to prepare students for careers in communication and media in public and private sectors, civil society, and international and inter-governmental organizations. The programme will expose students to broad interdisciplinary perspectives on communication, including communication research techniques; communication for social change; strategic image management; monitoring, management and evaluation of communication; and, journalism and media studies. Emphasis will be placed on mastery of knowledge and acquisition of the skills necessary for demonstrating first-rate techniques in writing and editing, communication planning, public relations, and management of communication and mass media organizations in a dynamic compositional and technological environment. The specialized programme also addresses emerging communication challenges in a changed communication terrain.
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Master of Library and Information Science
Course code – C54
The Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) programme of the University of Nairobi is geared towards empowering participants in management and leadership positions in information and knowledge organizations. The programme provides interdisciplinary and blended training opportunities in information and knowledge management, digital strategic planning and e-government, leadership, governance and management, entrepreneurship and innovation, procurement and assets management as well as records and information management. The programme integrates knowledge, skills and competencies to produce professionals who are globally competent, hence making the field of information science central in sustainable development and societal transformation. The course produces information professional leaders who are competent and champions of the digital and information technology revolution. The programme targets graduates from various backgrounds and specializations in humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. This is to ensure that the information professionals have adequate grounding in any discipline together with strong leadership potentials and commitments to deal with the challenges and opportunities of the modern knowledge and digital economy
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Project planning and management
Course code – E55
The demand for effective educational managers, administrators, curriculum developers, educational planners and educational economists has been on the increase over the years. All the nation’s educational institutions and programmes are expanding and require the services of highly qualified human capital. The school of Education of the University of Nairobi has a duty to contribute to the training of these specialists for the country, region and beyond. Further, with liberalization of economy in recent years, and the democratization processes taking place, there is an urgent need to equip scholars and practitioners in education with broad management skills for the dynamic environment of the second Millennium, hence the need for a practical oriented management development programme for educational specialists. In addition, natural disasters, manmade disasters and armed conflicts are becoming more frequent around the globe affecting an increasing number of children, families and communities hence the need to increase the disaster awareness and preparedness of educational personnel through programmes that are tailor made to address such challenges. The programmes offered by the Department of Educational Administration and Planning will contribute to research into problems affecting national development; and in the development of educational materials for the education systems at all levels of the education system.
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Course code – R51
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Master of Arts in International Relations
Course code – C528
The Course shall last for a minimum of four semesters and a maximum of six semesters. Students shall take twelve units and a project paper equivalent to four units. Each course unit shall be covered by 45 hours of study. The course will be conducted through lectures, seminars and tutorials.
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Master of Arts in International Studies
Course code – R50
The MA. course in International Studies is designed as an academic course with emphasis on subject areas of practical use and importance in the conduct of international affairs. It is aimed at students, diplomats, professionals, business people and other individuals interested in furthering their academic and/or career objectives in the conduct of international affairs.
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Master of Arts in Anthropology
Annual fees – 216,000
Course code – N50 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)
Anthropology is the study of humankind in a broad and comparative perspective. It provides a unified conception of human nature and human experience. One of the strengths of anthropology as a discipline is its "holistic" or integrative approach; it links the life sciences and the humanities and has strong links with disciplines ranging from biology and psychology to linguistics, political science, and the fine arts. Anthropology is appropriate for people with a wide interest including human cultures and civilizations both present and past, human variation, and human and animal behaviour.
The Master of arts (MA in Anthropology is designed to cater for graduates of anthropology and any other discipline interested in the applications of anthropology in their work It is aimed at interested in furthering their academic and professional expertise in the field of anthropology and other related disciplines.
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Master of Arts in Gender and Development Studies
Course code – N69
The master of Arts in Gender and Development studies is for students who are interested in gaining further skills and knowledge in gender and development issues. The program will enable students to mainstream gender into development planning, programming and policy implementation to achieve gender equality in resource allocation between women and men in society. It deals with critical gender analysis and practical skills as constructive approaches to reforming development practice towards more equitable and sustainable outcomes.
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Master of Arts in Women Leadership and Governance in Africa
Course code – M10
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Master of Development Studies (MDEV)
Course code – T51
Development Studies is a multi-disciplinary programme whose teaching, research and practice are continuously evolving in tandem with change processes in the society. Consequently, the relevance of the programme depends on the extent to which it reflects salient issues in the society. The Institute for Development Studies’ (IDS) master’s programme addresses contemporary development issues using appropriate theories and methodological approaches. The courses apply formal study and practical experience in the social sciences. The curriculum takes advantage of the varied academic background and experience of IDS staff to o ff er a programme characterised by theoretical rigour, emphasis on research methodology, people orientation and an interdisciplinary issue-based approach.
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Master of Arts in Armed Conflict and Peace Studies
Course code – C516
This programme aims at exposing students to a wide scope and advanced knowledge in conflict and peace research. It is predicated on a multilayered approach to understanding conflict and the varied mechanisms of realizing peace. The programme was set up due the general desire by learners to develop a deep understanding of the subject of Armed Conflict and Peace and consequently create a pool of professionals armed with knowledge and skills to tackle conflicts and entrench peace in many parts of the world. It aims to encourage the acquisition of armed conflict and peace knowledge that is underpinned by critical analysis, interpretation and presentation of data.
Learners are expected to demonstrate analytical and logical knowledge on issues of conflict and peace
ii. Develop capability to create and disseminate knowledge in Conflict and Peace Studies
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Master of Research and Public Policy
Course code – C52
Master of Research and Public Policy (MRPP) is a collaborative graduate programme involving 16 universities from 9 countries in Africa under the auspices of Partnership for African Social and Governance Research (PASGR). The programme has a dual focus on social science research and public policy as distinct from public administration or public management. It targets those who wish to be researchers and future academics as well as policy practitioners as it applies public policy as an area of applied research as well as professional practice.
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Master of Public Administration
Course code – C51
The Master of Public Administration (MPA) programme is designed to benefit and tap the experiences of practitioners currently working in the Kenyan public service and from other organisations. The programme also targets public servants and other interested individuals from other countries in the region and beyond. As a needs-based programme, it enables students to acquire requisite knowledge and skills to improve their performance in public service and develop insights and skills needed to plan, formulate, execute policy, as well as to monitor and evaluate. The programme has been developed in consultation with the key stakeholders in Kenya’s public service, namely the Ministry of State for Public Service and the Kenya Institute of Administration (KIA). As Kenyans endeavour to fulfill vision 2030, there is the need to retrain and re-equip the current crop of officers as well as those who have just joined or intend to join the service with the necessary conceptual and analytical tools to analyse, formulate and conduct policies.
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Master of Arts in Population
Course code – Q50
The Master of Arts Programme in Population Studies is intended to prepare demographers, and social scientists for careers in Government Services, academic and private sector. Students will be exposed to a broad inter-disciplinary perspective of the complexity of causes of population change at the individual, family, community, national and international level. Particular attention will be given to mastering of skills necessary for conducting high quality population research aimed at furthering the national development goals.
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Master of Arts in Monitoring and Evaluation
Course code – Q51
The Master of Arts (M&E) Programme is intended to provide learners with knowledge to conceptualize programmes within the logic framework, develop M&E indicators, monitoring systems, develop evaluation plans for programmes, conduct research and evaluations and advocate for the utilization of M&E results for evidence based decision making.
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Master of Arts in Translation
Course code – Y61
The MA in Translation is intended to respond to the situation outlined in the philosophy of this course by providing students who wish to undertake masters studies in Translation, with an opportunity to delve into the theoretical and practical depths of Translation. The course also gives such students an opportunity to acquire necessary competences and to advance their research and practical skills.
This is a professional course designed to train professional translators to high international standards in order for them to become practitioners who are well equipped to practice in the global market. It is intended to fill a training gap in this region as there are no other institutions offering such a programme.
This is a postgraduate degree programme that is designed to equip students with the theoretical and practical skills necessary for them to become professional translators. Apart from equipping them with the knowledge and understanding of the discipline of translation, the programme also has a strong practical element in which students will translate texts from various fields and cultural contexts. The course is designed for practicing translators, linguists, professionals from various fields and all those keen on improving their translation skills or starting a career in translation. The programme offers training in translation in various languages including English, Kiswahili, Arabic, French, Spanish, German and Chinese.
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Master of Arts in Interpretation
Course code – Y62
As the world moves into the future, people are striving to integrate thereby making mediation inevitable and Interpretation a more needed tool to enable communication to take place in linguistic and cultural diversity. There arises the need therefore, to entrench the understanding of the discipline of Interpretation through research and the training of interpreters at a higher academic level, and hence a demand for high caliber trained interpreters who in turn will train others and carry out research in the different aspects of the discipline.
The Master of Arts in Interpretation is an Applied Linguistics programme which centres mainly on impacting the learner with the understanding of theoretical underpinnings on which the practical skills of Interpretation are anchored. For the learners to gain mastery and the necessary competence in the handling these aspects of Interpretation, a bachelor’s degree is not adequate for their familiarization with the literature and theoretical perspectives needed in order to carry out become appropriate Interpretation. Addressing these issues adequately calls for comprehensive practical coursework in the MA in Interpretation curriculum.
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Master of Arts in Geography and Environmental Studies
Course code – C538 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)
This programme was developed in order to address the emerging interest in prudent environmental management after the world realized the planet resources are finite and were getting depleted at very high rate hence the need for sustainable development that takes care of the present and future generations. After the Rio Summit on Environment and Development which proposed the Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century) each country promised to implement projects and land use activities that protects and preserves environmental integrity. Such projects require highly trained personnel hence the need for our country to start advanced training on the management of environment and natural resources. The Subject Benchmarks under this programme, within the UNESCO International Standard Classification of Education, include 031 (environmental sciences); 0522 (Natural environments and wildlife), 0532 (Earth sciences, especially Geography), 0712 (environmental protection) and 1022(occupational health and safety)
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Master of Arts in Strategic Studies and Security Studies
Course code – C542 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)
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Master of Arts in Kiswahili Studies
Course code – C508 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)
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Master of Arts in German Studies
Course code – C531 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)
In a world where international relations are vital, and where Kenya is expected to play a prominent role, one cannot overemphasize the need for German, being one of the most widely used languages in international business. The main aim of the envisaged program is to produce graduates who equipped with skills necessary on job market in the area of diplomacy, cultural exchange, translation and international relations. In addition, the students will get sufficient training to enable pursue academic careers in the area of German Studies. The program is thematically diverse and offers training opportunities in all key areas of German Studies. Obtaining a Masters degree in German Studies will make the graduate “Germany experts” especially in the area of diplomacy and economic cooperation since Germany is now the leading economy in Europe. Linguistically, German is the most widely spoken language in the European Union. As is the case with other international languages, there is abundant literature written in German in the field of natural sciences, engineering, humanities, and philosophy. Graduates from the M.A, will thus be able to assess the literature. Finally, graduates from the Masters program in German Studies are needed as tutorial fellows and teaching assistants at various universities in Sub-Sahara Africa. That is precisely why the M.A. program has a strong international outlook with stakeholders in Africa and Germany.
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Course code – C541
Psychology is the scientific study of human behaviour and mental processes whose goals include description, prediction, understanding, and influencing behaviour and mental processes. Psychology seeks to prevent, alleviate, and solve human problems and improve people’s lives. The social and economic development of the 20th century in Kenya have seen communities that used to provide social support to their members disintegrate. This has resulted in a number of social problems such as drug abuse among the youth and lack of care for the needy. These contemporary problems require professional intervention by psychologists to improve the situation of those affected by these changes. Unfortunately, for a long Ɵ me there were limited opportunities for such training locally.
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Master of Counseling Psychology
Course code – C544 (August/September 2021/2022 Academic Year intake)
Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. The goals of psychology are to describe, explain, control and predict behaviour. While other branches of psychology describe, explain and predict behaviour, counselling psychology is one of the branches of psychology that helps to control behaviour. Behaviour is controlled through guidance where professional information is offered by a counsellor to prevent occurrence of a problem, or through counselling which is a face-to-face relationship through which the counsellor uses his or her professional skills to help a client to solve his or her problem. In a world full of diverse challenges, counselling psychology helps clients who are facing diverse challenges not to give up in life but to face and solve the problem.
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Social Work & Development Studies
Doctoral programmes
Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies
Course Code- T80
The PhD in Development Studies offers students already grounded in the social sciences an opportunity for advanced academic work in the field of development studies. The programme blends development theories with development practice by exploring through research work, the central theoretical and methodological issues in development studies, with the aim of furthering knowledge on changing paradigms and their applicability to understanding the development process. The programme aims to prepare students for senior positions in the field of development studies both as researchers and policy analysts with the primary aim of making the development process meaningful, interactive and sustainable. The students will be expected to participate in seminars and conduct in-depth research on a development topic falling within the research priorities of the Institute.
The curriculum runs for three academic years.
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Doctor of Philosophy in Gender and Development Studies
Course Code- N81
The PhD in Gender and Development Studies is for students who are interested in gaining further skills and knowledge in gender and development issues. The programme will enable students to mainstream gender into development planning, programming and policy implementation to achieve gender equality in resource allocation between women and men in society. It deals with critical gender analysis and practical skills as constructive approaches to reforming development practice towards more equitable and sustainable outcomes. The rationale of the programme is to relate different analytical and policy concerns raised in gender and development to specific sectoral plans and policies at all levels and stages of development interventions.
The doctoral programme consists of full time or part-time study, research and writing of thesis. The Common Regulations for the Doctor of Philosophy in all faculties apply.
The curriculum runs for three academic years.
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Doctor of Philosophy in African Women Studies
Course Code- M20
The course is offered on full-time, part-time and through Open, Distance and Electronic Learning (ODeL) modes of study. It consists of course work, examinations and thesis. On successful completion of coursework, the candidate shall present for approval a research proposal at a seminar organized by the AWSC. After approval of the research proposal, the candidate will undertake supervised research, write and submit a thesis within the remaining period of the programme.
Each candidate shall be required to successfully complete a minimum of six (6) course units (five core and one elective). Each unit will have a 45 contact hours covered within a semester of 15 weeks.
The programme lasts for a minimum of six (6) semesters and a maximum of ten (10) semesters from the date of registration.
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Doctor of Philosophy Anthropology
Course Code- N79
The University of Nairobi’s PhD in Anthropology is the leading and oldest anthropology programme in Kenya with decades of high quality research and teaching.
Students undertaking this programme are supported by a dedicated staff and faculty as well as access to high quality research resources.
The curriculum runs for three academic years.
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International Relations & Diplomacy
Doctor of Philosophy International Studies
Course Code- R82
The Objective of the PhD in International Studies is to provide students with extensive academic skills and knowledge in their areas of specialization and also to aid students in the development of ideas and solutions to problems that may arise in their fields of specialization with the passage of time.
Students upon completion of the course can participate in various career fields such as teaching, research and other scholarly work. The programme will normally be by research and thesis.
The curriculum runs for three academic years.
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Applied Humanities
Doctor of Philosophy in Translation
Course Code- Y71
The PhD in translation is intended to respond to the situation outlined in the philosophy of this course by providing students who wish to undertake doctoral studies in translation, with an opportunity to delve into the theoretical and practical depths of translation in which they have research interest. The course also gives such students an opportunity to acquire necessary competences and to advance their research and practical skills.
The curriculum runs for three academic years.
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Doctor of Philosophy in Interpretation
Course Code- Y72
The PhD in Interpretation is intended to respond to the situation outlined in the philosophy of this course by providing students who wish to undertake doctoral studies in interpretation, with an opportunity to delve into the theoretical and practical depths of interpretation in which they have research interest. The course also gives such students an opportunity to acquire necessary competences and to advance their research and practical skills.
The curriculum runs for three academic years.
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Doctor of Philosophy in Population Studies
Course Code- Q80
The aim of this program is to provide students with extensive knowledge and skills beyond those they may have acquired at Master’s Degree level in order to enable them to pursue careers that require more advanced degree in population studies.
The curriculum runs for three academic years.
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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Environmental Planning and Management
Course Code- Q818
The PhD in Environmental Planning and Management is designed to to promote environmentally sound development strategies within the framework of national development planning and to suggest realistic options. The program produces graduates able to analyze and understand environmental concerns and challenges, as well as incorporating environmental considerations in development, planning and decision making.
The curriculum runs for three academic years.
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Higher Doctorate Degrees
Those eligible for the award of a Higher Doctorate of the University of Nairobi must among other requirements be holders of the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Medicine degree of the University of Nairobi or the Doctor of Philosophy degree from any other recognized university of at least five years standing.
The Common Regulations for Higher Doctorates of the University of Nairobi other than Honorary Degrees are set out in the University Calendar. The Higher Doctorate, the regulations stipulate, shall only be awarded for the original published work such as would give a candidate authoritative international standing in his/her particular field of research.
The application must be based wholly or substantially on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. The term ‘‘published’’ shall mean printed in a referred journal, book or monograph which shall have been made available to the public.
The submitted works by the candidate is assessed by an Evaluation Panel.
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