Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The University of Nairobi researchers and innovators participated in the just ended inaugural National Research Festival held at the Edge Convention from Monday, August 19- 23, 2024 themed, ‘Research Partnerships and Collaborations for Socio-Economic Transformation. The objective of the week-long event was to showcase Kenya’s dynamic research and innovation environment.



UoN Innovators showcasing innovation at the inaugural National Research Festival 2024

During the closing Ceremony, UoN researchers from different fields were recognized and honored for their contribution to their areas of specialization. Professor David Musyimi Ndetei, Professor Ruth Nduati and Socrates Majune were among the researchers that were recognized and awarded.

Professor David Musyimi Ndetei was awarded the outstanding Social Sciences Life Time Award for his pioneering work in psychiatry and mental health. His research and advocacy have significantly improved mental health services and policies in Kenya and globally. Prof Ndetei, a renowned scholar in psychiatry and mental health, has dedicated his career to improving mental health services in Kenya and worldwide. His research has significantly shaped national and international mental health policies, positively impacting countless lives. He has also played a pivotal role in mentoring the next generation of mental health professionals and spearheading crucial research initiatives.

Professor Ruth Nduati was awarded with the outstanding Life Sciences Life Time Award for her contributions to pediatric and public health research. Her groundbreaking work in preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV has set a global standard. Her research continues to improve healthcare outcomes for mothers and children. Professor Nduati’s extensive body of work encompasses numerous peer-reviewed publications that inspire the global scientific community.

Socrates Majune from the Department of Economics was awarded the National Young Outstanding Researcher.

Speaking during the award ceremony, Prof. Jesang Hutchinson, the UoN Vice Chancellor (Ag), Celebrated the awardees for their contribution to research over the hears and for transforming society through their research solutions. She urged the researchers to continue flying the UoN flag higher   

Socrates Majune who was represented by his sister, described the award as humbling added that he was glad to be honoured as the National Outstanding Young Researcher, "This is an appreciation of research skills built for over a decade, of course, with collaborations with researchers and opportunities offered by organizations."

"For this reason, I am indebted to all my co-authors, my employer, the University of Nairobi, the WTO, AERC, AFEA, and organizations that have offered me opportunities in different roles. NRF, thank you very much for the recognition."

The awards highlight the importance of research and innovation in driving Kenya’s socio-economic development.