Friday, August 30, 2024

The University of Nairobi hosted a delegation of 5 district governors and 7 Corporate Leaders from Shenzen Metropolitan District, People’s Republic of China on Thursday, August 29, 2024.

Mr. Brian Ouma, Chief Operations Officer, led the University of Nairobi team in discussions for partnership opportunities with Schenzhen Metropolis. H.E Lei Weihua, the District Mayor of Schenzhen Metropolis emphasized that the University could benefit immensely from the over 300 innovation hubs in Schenzhen through exchanges of ideas and mentorship. Shenzhen, he said, is the commercial hub for technology and manufacturing in China. It's the Headquarters of China's leading multinational corporations including Huawei, Tecno and Infinix telephone brands.

Mr Brian Ouma , Chief of Operations, welcomes  the delegation led by H.E Sun Zhongwei, Governor of Shehn Zhen Municipality for their special purpose vehicle approach which has seen their country grow to 1st economic zone with a 3.6T GDP. He elaborated on the various forms of partnerships that are at the disposal of the UoN and the Chinese companies to collaborate and various ways of implementing the partnerships. 

The delibarations underscored the  areas of collaboration between Institutions of Higher Learning, Industry partners and the different University Departments and Faculties that were present during the meeting.  

Research and Innovation through ICT and digital economies, a sector that the university has already upheld from china with a fully functional Centre of Excellence, Agriculture, student exchange programs, health sector among other areas which are pivotal for the institution were areas of focus that were highlighted.

The delegation noted that it’s not only ready for collaboration with higher learning institutions but also industries and corporates where investors will set up industries which will offer job opportunities to the graduates as well as increase  graduates' experiences in manufacturing, which is one of the Government Agendas.