Faculty of Agriculture
Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Course Code- A22
The Bachelor of Science in Agriculture programme is a rigorous and broad-based curriculum designed to produce graduates who through extension, teaching, research, or consultancy will provide technical services in agribusiness, agricultural policy formulation, animal production, crop and land management, and environmental protection.
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Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management
Course Code- A87
Agribusinesses have provided the growing centre of transformation process in both developed and the developing nations. The effective and efficient organization of Agribusinesses is a major pre-requisite of agricultural and economic development. Therefore, the programme offers a wide exposure to problems affecting the agribusiness industry through real life case studies. It also exposes its students to the most recent advances in information technology and management. The programme is thus well grounded to provide the agro-industry with personnel who will need little practical training on the job to be able to perform well.
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Bachelor of Science Agricultural Education and Extension
Course Code- A83
The emphasis of the programme is on Rural Sociology, Extension Education, Cultural and Rural Development. The aims and objectives of the programme shall be to produce personnel who will help to enhance participation of agricultural change agents, such as extension agents, farm advisors, community agents and the others who are dedicated to developing Kenyas food supplies and helping people in other ways. The course is planned for both regular Government sponsored students and self-sponsored (parallel) students. The course will offer the flexibility of full -time as well as part- time teaching. Students shall cover the programme in four academic years, involving study by course work, project paper and field work.
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Bachelor of Science Range Management
Course Code- A25
In Kenya, rangelands cover over 80% of the country and are home to about 36% of the human population, 50% of the national livestock herd and most of the wildlife and biodiversity. Despite their importance, rangelands in Africa are subjected to human-induced degradation, with 31% of the area estimated to suffer severe loss of productivity. The sources of degradation range from inappropriate cultivation of marginal areas, deforestation to overgrazing. Presently, forest cover is disappearing at the rate of 3.7 to 5 million ha per year, and grazing contributes about 34.5% of the total soil loss in these areas. This has placed the rangelands to be hotspots of ecological vulnerability and desertification. Observed rangeland resource degradation trends is made worse by climate change that has increased the frequency and intensity of droughts, flush floods, as well as, increased livelihood risks for the local communities.
The program will empower the professionals meet emerging socio-economic and environmental challenges as envisaged in government development plans, e. g. vision 2030. Also, the revised course content addresses issues in internationally and nationally recognized conventions and protocols (CCD, CBD, and the Kyoto protocol on climate change) that partly focus on rangelands.
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Bachelor of Science in Management of Agro-Ecosystems & Environment
Course Code- A26
The University of Nairobi offers a rigorous science-based curriculum through this programme that focuses on two major issues: (i) ecological management of agricultural land (ii) abatement of resources degradation or pollution of developed rural land. The focus of the programme is on principles and practices of agroecology, agricultural land degradation and understanding the fate and mitigation of pollution, including those processes that influence the impact of pollution in agroecosystems. It concentrates on sustainable management of resources in agriculture and focuses on water and soil quality management, such as monitoring transport and storage of agrochemicals and other contaminants in soil, bioremediation and organic wastes recycling and bioconversion. The programme prepares graduates who would pursue postgraduate studies in a variety of disciplines or employment in training and research institutions, government, agro-industries, NGOs and consulting firms.
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Bachelor of Science in Dryland Economics and Agro-Ecosystem Management
Course Code- A28
The Bachelor in Science (BSc) in Dryland Economics and Agro-Ecosystem Management (DEAM is accredited by the University of Nairobi.
The training programme for the degree of Bachelors Science in Dryland Economics and Ecosystem Management is conceptualised and designed to produce manpower that is expected to contribute towards redressing these unique constraints limiting the productivity and ecosystem management within the IGAD drylands. It is conceived taking cognizance of the diverse educational backgrounds of the students emanating from the IGAD region. The aim is to contribute to increased food security and the resilience of communities living on (semi-) arid lands by strengthening their ability to cope with environmental and socio-economic change. The objective of the programme is to produce graduates trained in the discipline of economics and ecosystems management with a good blending of practical work to promote agricultural productivity and living standards in the drylands.
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Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
Course Code- A85
Horticulture is currently one of the fastest growing industries in Kenya and is the country’s highest foreign exchange earner. Among horticultural crops, vegetables, fruit crops, and cut flowers have the highest value: volume ratio making them the export crops of choice. The horticultural sub sector offers an alternative for increased food self-sufficiency, food security, improved nutrition and generation of increased incomes and employment. Despite this phenomenal growth, horticulture is a highly specialized field requiring well-trained personnel to cover areas of production, handling, storage, value adding, marketing and distribution. The need for trained manpower for this industry is urgent especially in light of stiff competition in the international markets for good quality products.
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Bachelor or Science Food Science and Technology
Course Code- A24
The degree program has remained popular and the declared student capacity continues to be fully utilised. The programme lays a good foundation for the world of work, research, and advanced learning across diverse fields. It imparts practical knowledge and skills in Food Science and Technology. It aims to produce highly trained professionals with the ability to effectively innovate, generate and promote technologies and strategies; by offering services that promote industrial innovation and responsible consumption and production as envisaged in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) nine and ten respectively, and Kenya’s Vision 2030. The degree programme is aligned with the UNESCO Standards Classification of Education and Training of 2013.
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Bachelor of Science in Food Nutrition and Dietetics
Course Code- A90
Bachelor of Science in Food,Nutrition and Dietetics has maintained its competitiveness as demonstrated by increased demand, evidenced by the rising number of students’ enrolment against a decreasing demand for some courses since 2006. The training of Food Science, Nutrition and Dietetics professionals is informed by the sustained evidence in support of the important and multidimensional role that nutrition and dietetics play in human growth and development; productivity, and wellbeing. Globally, the field hasgained greater eminence with the surge in lifestyle-related (non-communicable) diseases as well as increased demand and rationale for preventive approaches in public health. Training professionals in Food, Nutrition and Dietetics makes a vital human resource development contribution in clinical and public health sectors, as well as in multiple economic and development sectors.
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Master of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics
Course code – A512
The Master of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics programme involves of collaboration of 16 universities in the Eastern, Central and Southern Africa region. Its underlying premise is the need for highly trained local professionals to address the challenges posed by far reaching changes in global and local economies, technology, and marketing, by adapting their advanced knowledge and methods to the particular institutional, political and economic circumstances of the region. The growing economies need professionals whose skills will range from analysing the implications of changes in trade and macroeconomic policy to studying the performance of local markets for agricultural products, services and inputs. Others will be working with scientists to determine the economic as well as technical feasibility of new products and processes.
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Master of Science in Agricultural Information and Communication Management
Course code - A514
The programme targets graduates from a variety of backgrounds and specialization including agricultural and related sciences, the biological sciences, information and communication science, information technology and social sciences. AICM also provides for admission of mid-career candidates with relevant experience in their relevant areas of specialization. The aim of AICM program is to enhance the competency of professionals in the agricultural field and other development workers in managing and communicating agricultural information for accelerated development and poverty reduction, and to strengthen the capacity of universities to provide high – level education and research services in AICM.
This course aims to: Build capacity at the MSc level with competence to develop and operate agricultural information systems, carry out research to identify the needs and problems of the different agricultural information users, and provide professional AICM support to the agricultural and related professionals; Enhance professional careers and competence of researchers, academicians, students, policy makers and members of the civil society through interventions in agricultural information and communication management; Strengthen the capacity of university to train AICM professionals and to provide research and consultancy services in technology diffusion and uptake.
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Master of Science in Range Management
Course code – A505
The Master of Science in Range management prepares students for a career in managing rangelands. The course contains advance coursework that focuses on the economic aspect of raising healthy livestock and plants while preserving the surrounding areas. Students also learn rehabilitation and reclamation techniques for rangelands that are damaged.
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Master of Science in Land and Water Management
Course code – A519
The MSc in Land and Water Management programme aims to produce professionals equipped with practical skills, which will enable them to carry out, extension, teaching, research or consultancy in land resources and environment management, enhance land productivity by using appropriate and sustainable agricultural production technologies, manage water resources for agricultural production and agro-industries at farm and watershed levels. Carry out research on land and water management technologies and innovations.
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Master of Science in Crop Protection
Course code - A507
Agriculture is the main economic activity in Kenya, with horticulture being a major foreign exchange earner. The export of high-value and labor intensive horticultural commodities, such as fruits, vegetables and ornamentals play a key role in foreign exchange earnings. However, for the country to fully benefit from international trade opportunities the produce must comply with international standards and the import requirements of the importing countries. Increased access to international markets creates wealth at all levels, from macro-economic growth to poverty reduction both at individual and family levels. The revised MSc. Crop protection curriculum has introduced flexibility in the mode of delivery and incorporates new topics to address the changing job market requirements. Open and distance learning is preferred by employers and self-employed people since it allows students to undertake training while still on the job.
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Master of Science in Plant Pathology
Course code - A508
This course aims to: Train qualified personnel in the field of plant pathology who will be competent in identifying and managing plant diseases using environmentally safe procedures; Equip the candidates with the necessary tools to undertake research in all fields of plant pathology; Train the candidates on how to collect, analyze, interpret communicate and present their research findings in seminars, workshops and scientific publications.
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Course code - A509
Agriculture plays a vital role in Kenya’s national economic development as a source of livelihood, industrial raw materials and employment. The Kenya government growth-oriented Agricultural Sector Development Strategy (ASDS), which is in line with Vision 2030, seeks to facilitate the sector’s transformation from the subsistence to an “innovative, commercially-oriented, and modern agriculture sector. The strategy underpins the need to build capacity that will drive increased crop productivity while managing the resources and environment efficiently, effectively and sustainably.
This course aims: To train skillful agronomists qualified in scientific basis of sound environmental managerial skills for increased crop productivity, environmental and product safety; Equip graduates with analytical and communication skills to enhance knowledge generation, dissemination and utilization.
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Master of Science in Plant Breeding and Biotechnology
Course code - A518
Plant breeding has for a long time been focused on developing types better suited for satisfying agricultural needs for food and nutrition, and even for clothing, fuel, drugs and aesthetically pleasing ornamentals. Improved materials have led to increased yields, better varieties for new agricultural areas, better agronomic and horticultural characteristics, varieties resistant to heat, cold ,or drought and improved quality of agricultural products. Much has been achieved through classical breeding made possible by the application of Mendelian and statistical genetics. Genetic improvement has taken on a complex dimension of the interrelationships of genes, crops and the environment and/or issues of genetic resources ownership, access and equity. Biotechnology that makes it possible for rapid genetic manipulation brings with it intellectual property concerns. Complete sequencing of several plant genomes has provided immense genetic information that needs to be harnessed to contribute towards improving crops. All these have changed the face of plant breeding with implications on global trade, third world poverty and food security.
The Plant Breeding and Biotechnology programme is thus tailored to remain versatile to the changing times by incorporating industry focused content and modern student centered delivery methods. The programme content and mode of delivery is structured to meet the students’ aspirations and to expose the students to the job market opportunities and the emerging advances in the field of plant breeding, applied genetics and biotechnology
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Master of Science in Horticulture
Course code - A503
Over the past two decades, the horticultural industry in Kenya has expanded tremendously becoming a major contributor to the country’s economy and the leading foreign exchange earner and a major employer. However, stiff competition in regional and global markets and the problems encountered in production, processing, financing, and environmental management pose a serious challenge. The Master of Science (MSc) programme in horticulture is designed with a view of training high quality graduates with requisite professional and technical skills to effectively handle issues of crop productivity, quality, postharvest handling and value addition. The trainees will be equipped with knowledge and skills on global issues including good agricultural practices, climate change, biodiversity, biotechnology, environmental management and market access. In addition, the trainees will be taught research and communication skills to enable them develop strategies that will enhance the growth of the horticulture sub-sector. The revised MSc Horticulture curriculum has introduced flexibility in the mode of delivery and incorporates new topics such as entrepreneurship, phyto sanitary standards, crop biotechnology and improvement, and scientific communication in order to address the changing market demands.
This course aims: To enable graduates to acquire in depth theoretical knowledge and practical skills in horticultural crop production; To build the capacity of graduates to formulate a research problem, design and execute scientific research project and reporting and communication in horticulture to stakeholders; To enable graduates to acquire entrepreneurial skills for use in creating employment opportunities.
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Master of Science in Applied Human Nutrition
Course code - A510
Advanced training and research in nutrition is necessary in order to address upcoming challenges and emerging issues in nutrition and health. There is an increasing demand on training in applied nutrition over the years. The M.Sc. programme is designed to help the trainees understand malnutrition and its consequences and methods of alleviating nutritional problems. The programme will, therefore, build capacity for the improvement of nutritional policy making in Kenya and other developing countries in African and other regions. The programme will offer practical training using appropriate data collected in Kenya and other African countries.
This course aims: To provide students with abilities to assess community nutritional problems from a multi-disciplinary point of view, while applying information technology in suggesting/working out realistic and feasible intervention measures; Provide students with abilities to implement investigations in the field of applied nutrition and analyze, interpret and disseminate findings to the relevant stakeholders; Provide students with abilities to effectively use relevant nutrition tools and information to advocate for nutrition actions and influence policies.
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Master of Science in Food Safety and Quality
Course code - A527
Food safety and quality has become an issue of high priority nationally and internationally due to globalization of the food market. Food Safety is central to public health, poverty reduction and sustainable development. Access to safe food is a human right.
The programme shall take two (2) academic years of four (4) semesters. An academic year shall constitute 2 semesters. The Master of Science in Food Safety and Quality shall be offered by course work, end of semester assessment and thesis. Course work shall not exceed one year. A total of twelve (12) course units shall be undertaken and passed by all students. A course unit shall be defined as 45 instructional hours comprising of lectures, tutorials, assignments and practical. The student shall carry out supervised research culminating into a Master’s Thesis. A student may be allowed to defer their studies for a period not exceeding one year, as per University policy.
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Master of Science in Food Science and Technology
Course code – A511
This programme is grounded in the belief that the department should provide quality education and training in food science and technology, among other fields. The department strongly believes in the importance of creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of food science and technology knowledge and skills. The training of Food Science and Technology professionals is informed by the sustained evidence in support of the important and multidimensional role that food science and technology plays in human growth and development; productivity, and wellbeing. Globally, the field has gained greater eminence with the surge in lifestyle-related (non-communicable) diseases as well as increased demand and rationale, for preventive approaches in public health. Training professionals in Food Science and Technology makes a vital human resource development contribution in the reduction of food losses, addition of value to primary food products, efficient utilization of resources in food processing and preservation, sustainable waste management in food processing factories, employment creation, income generation and hunger eradication.
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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Applied Human Nutrition
Course code: A818
“Nutrition represents the provision of necessary materials to the cells and organisms for survival. Nutrition of the human body is constituted by the food and drinks that people consume thus the field of nutrition and dietetics including clinical nutrition, specialises in understanding the effects of alimentation on the body…” in the context of social, economic and ecological as regulated by policy formulation and implementation.
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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Food Science and Technology
Course code: A81
The University of Nairobi produces graduates that are internationally recognized from this programme. The Graduates are well prepared to enter Food industries, Government ministries, Parastatals, Non-governmental organizations and research institutions in the various fields involved in food processing and human nutrition, research and development, as well as planning and implementation of projects.The programme shall take a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years.
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Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural and Applied Economics
Course code - A820
Holders of a Master of Science degree in agricultural related disciplines, biological sciences, environmental sciences or in natural resource management or equivalent qualification from an institution recognized by Senate can apply for this programme. In addition, holders of sasters degree in relevant social sciences recommended by the faculty board and approved by the senate also qualify.
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Doctor of Philosophy in Management of Agroecosystems & Environment
Course code: A817
This programme is delivered by the University of Nairobi's Faculty of Agriculture . It is among the programmes that produce graduates that are sought after globally. With the increase in search of ways to address food insecurity, ecosystems and environment conservation in Africa and the world, these graduates become authorities in their field of study. The degree programme shall consist of course work, examinations and thesis. The course work shall be taken in the first year of study, within a duration of 1 year.
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Doctor Of Philosophy In Dryland Resource Management
Course Code - A74
The sustainable development of drylands and improvement of livelihoods in the drylands characterized by intense poverty is a priority development agenda in eastern and southern Africa. This will involve interventions targeting, inter alia, increased production and livelihoods systems productivity, and water management options. As elsewhere in the world, the long-term driving force of modern economic growth will be science-based technological advances. The challenges associated with the drylands of eastern and southern Africa require an approach to science and innovation which is entrepreneurial and oriented toward key development challenges.
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Doctor of Philosophy in Range Management
Course code: A802
Skilled manpower trained at the post-graduate level in rangeland resource management is limited in most African countries. The majority of the rangeland resource managers in the region have been trained abroad where training is not appropriate for the African set up where the mode of production is largely labour-intensive, low capital subsistence pastoralism. Trained skilled manpower is expected to act as a catalyst for enhancing the productivity and human support capacity for pastoral systems in the region.
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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Soil Science
Course code: A809
Soil is a key resource in agricultural production, engineering and landscape development, and environmental conservation and management. Accelerated land degradation and desertification through soil erosion, depletion of soil fertility, overstocking, deforestation, poor management of land resources, and climate change are all issues of great concern that are directly or indirectly linked with soil resource exploitation..
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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Plant Pathology
Course code: A805
The Universiity of Nairobi continues to equip graduates who through research inform policy makers. Graduates of this degree will work in Pests and Diseases control, Pesticides testing and production, Researchers,
Non-Governmental Organizations, Entrepreneurial self-employment in agricultural production,National and international research organizations, Lecturers in tertiary technical and academic institutions. The applicant must be able to produce evidence of adequate academic background in the discipline and capacity to carry out original research by submitting a research concept note on the proposed topic of study.
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Doctor in Philosophy Degree in Crop Protection
Course code: A806
The Doctor of Philosophy in Crop Protection is tailored to produce world-class University doctorate graduates who will provide leadership in the field of Crop and environmental protection through continuous crop improvement, production, protection and value addition at the same time safeguarding environment to achieve improved livelihoods and sustainable agricultural development. The programme will provide quality training that embodies the aspirations of the Kenyan people and the global community through creation, preservation, integration, transmission and utilization of knowledge. The hallmark of the training will be innovation, creativity, freedom of thought and expression and excellence, taking into account the prevailing national and international policies.
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Doctor of Philosophy in Horticulture
Course code: A807
Programme content include applications of biotechnology in agriculture: bioremediation, crop stress tolerance to biotic and abiotic factors, crop quality and nutrition; gene revolution and crop production; industrial and pharmaceutical products. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) structure and function, gene expression, translation, transcription. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) structure, synthesis and processing; Recombinant DNA technology; Molecular techniques for gene cloning, enzymes used in gene cloning and characterization; cell and tissue culture; genetic engineering, transformation overview; Social and ethical issues in biotechnology, biotechnology policies. Mating systems and breeding methods of field and horticultural crops; male sterility; incompatibility, clones; marker assisted breeding and genetic modification; breeding for disease and pest resistance; tissue culture and polyploidization; breeding major field and horticultural crops; multi-location testing and variety release; breeding rights and their regulations in breeding major field and horticultural crops.
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Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Agronomy
Course code: A810
The programme shall take a minimum of three academic years and a maximum of six academic years. Each academic year shall consist of two (2) semesters of 15 weeks each. The Doctor of Philosophy in Agronomy shall be offered by course work, examinations, research and a thesis. The programme shall consist of five (5) compulsory taught course units and a thesis. A course unit shall be defined as 60 instructional hours comprising lectures, seminars, term papers and independent desktop research. The research and thesis component of the programme shall be equivalent to 18 course units which is equivalent to 1080 Hours. A candidate shall carry out supervised thesis research, for a minimum period of two academic years, and a maximum of four academic years, culminating in a Doctoral thesis.
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Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture Resource Management
Course code: A815
The programme has updated and expanded content to provide essential new coverage of topics critically important to meet current and emerging challenges in land and water management such as intensification of resource use, carbon sequestration in agroecosystems, global warming and climate change. More specifically, the programme offers content that addresses current technical, planning, socio-economic and policy aspects of land and water management. It is expected that the trainees in this curriculum will acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to address the many complex challenges in increasing the productivity and sustainability of the land and water resources.
The programme shall take a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 5 years.
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