Confident Ferdinand Omanyala leaves for Tokyo 2020 Olympics

Ferdinand Omanyala, the country’s fastest 100m sprinter leaves the country tonight for

College of Biological and Physical Sciences crowned winners at UoN Sports Day

The College of Biological and Physical Sciences w

What Kenya's political parties can learn from the Communist Party of China

The scholarly discussions which were held on 16th June, 2021 interrogated the experiences of the...

Indian Minister Opens a Modern Library for Graduate Research

The Mahatma Gandhi Graduate Library at the University of Nairobi has been refurbished and...

Multidisciplinary Data Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis Launched

CEMA is a multi-disciplinary national data centre that supports the control, elimination and...

Students need guidance in choosing their careers

The University of Nairobi in partnership with Tv47 hosted a virtual career fair on Friday, May 28,...
